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Faith Applied

Nov 26, 2019

It's a few days before Thanksgiving - a time of year full of celebrations with family and food.

Before the prolonged period of eat-festing begins, I'm led to share an episode about fasting.

Hang with me here…

The end of the year season is celebratory, but it can also be difficult for those that have experienced loss...

Nov 25, 2019

The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Psalm 24:1

What a beautiful world He has made!

How often do you pause and take in the wonder of God via His creations?

I don’t slow down often enough. Do you?

I recently did during a trip to Southern California.


It was...

Nov 17, 2019

“Wherever there is a human in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.” ~ Kevin Heath

Kindness calls for people to look out, to reach out, to show care and support for one another. 

This episode of the Faith Applied podcast with Heather Eason explores kindness and the beauty of rising to...

Nov 6, 2019

We need to check in on one another and be the support people need when they need it because at some point, we will all be that person in need.

Not sure what to say when talking with a person amid difficult times? 

This episode of Faith Applied contains audio from a video recorded when I was in a prolonged period of...

Oct 21, 2019

How are you with self-care?

Do you often have more tasks than time or find yourself taking care of so many people, and doing so many things that taking care of yourself gets neglected? 

If so, this shouldn't be.

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit - so self-care is temple care. Nourishing self-care is sound...